Featured Products

Part # VERTIGOFLOWBB125 Vertigo Water Clear Flowing Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon Vertigo Water Clear Flowing Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon

Water Clear
Quartz, Granite
Quartzite, Marble
Ceramic, Porcelain
20 Minute Cure Time

Tenax USA Price: $397.86
Part # TIXOEXTRASPCTBBOX Tixo EX Transparent Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon Tixo EX Transparent Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon

Tixo EX is very polishable and colors easily to match the stone. It cures fast and bonds extremely strong. Cures in lower temperatures.

Tenax USA Price: $249.53
Part # VERTIGOSKGBB125 Vertigo S Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon Vertigo S Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon

Smooth Drip-Less
Near Colorless
Quartz, Granite
Quartzite, Marble
Ceramic, Porcelain
20 Minute Cure Time

Tenax USA Price: $397.86
Part # 	VERTIGOTKG1QT Vertigo T Vinyl Ester Knife Grade 1 Quart Vertigo T Vinyl Ester Knife Grade 1 Quart

Smooth Drip-Less
Near Colorless
Quartz, Granite
Quartzite, Marble
Ceramic, Porcelain
20 Minute Cure Time

Tenax USA Price: $26.07
Part # VERTIGOFLOW1QT Vertigo Water Clear Flowing 1 Quart Vertigo Water Clear Flowing 1 Quart

Water Clear
Quartz, Granite
Quartzite, Marble
Ceramic, Porcelain
20 Minute Cure Time

Tenax USA Price: $26.07
Part #SRESCUEREMOVE  Stain Rescue Remover 1 Quart Stain Rescue Remover 1 Quart

250 ML container of cleaner formulated for removing the rings left from suction cups attached to slab handling and moving equipment used during the production process of engineered quartz.

Tenax USA Price: $34.70
GLAXS Original Transparent Adhesive Glaxs Original Transparent Cartridge 215 ML

A high adhesion system such as Glaxs Original 2+1 Transparent 215 ml bonds with porcelain, ceramic, natural stone and engineered quartz and is indoor and outdoor usable.

Tenax USA Price: $28.02
Part # VERTIGOTKGBB125 Vertigo T Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon Vertigo T Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon

Smooth Dripless
Near Colorless
Quartz, Granite
Quartzite, Marble
Ceramic, Porcelain
20 Minute Cure Time

Tenax USA Price: $397.86